Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My updated header

Been busy in this few days..

Well, ima skul boy as u guys know it right? SOB SOB SOB
Have to attend the boring classes everyday, i have to drag my ass up to class as early as6.30a.m. in the morning. Kamurang mc lg siok2 tidur kali tu
I haven't posted anything yet since im back to the skul thingy..Until today..
Coz i have to teach myself to be familiar myself back to this classes feelin..
Ain't got it it completely yet..
And so...the latest is:
I updated my header, i photoshop my picture there..
Quite simple dimple but quite ok la juga kan? hahaha...

Take a look at it...

thank you...



Toilet paper said...

Nice Header..
bole buat bisnes ni tau..
Student life isn't suck..
the environment yg Suck..
mari p hisap sigup jam 6..

MaveriQue said...

Mulau kjo max.. dinding sj yang memisahkan kita ni.. jan la tlampau berharap dengan teknologi it.. hahaha